Grabe na the week the week that was!" - Like what the old talk show used to say.
The 1st week of May have come and almost gone in a blink of an eye. At work it would mean impending deadlines for the previous months reports, formulation of more action plans in an effort to address mistakes that has never turned out to be effective, and the never-ending completion of the current week's task allocation. However, amidst the heavy work load this week has yet again proven the Lord's faithful blessings working in Von's and my life.
Monday -
Von got a new baby, Stacy! Though Stacy came with a well loved price, Mazie. The lost of Mazie however, has just proven to be for the better in more than a hundred reasons. I've never been happier to see Von this giddy and excited since Stacy came but I must say I still miss Mazie, especially her scent! I have still not gotten used to Stacy's smell. I can't help but feel nauseous whenever I'm in Stacy, I just wish her smell would go away, fast! I remember just a few months back, we saw another Stacy in a parking lot and we have followed her the whole time instead of looking for a parking space. Von had prayed for her since then and with God's mighty power, I'm so happy to say that the prayer has been claimed! I know, that most of you don't know about Stacy yet, so I'm really sounding a little crazy already. Lol. Here's a brief glimpse of who Stacy is.
Stacy :) |
Tuesday -
A new opportunity has been presented. I'm intrigued and interested. I prayed for God's guidance and by His will asked if this opportunity is for me.
Wednesday -
God answered NO, it wasn't for me. At first I didn't really understand why, but later through the day I learned why. The Lord really is good! All the time! He knew that I would be more miserable if He would give that opportunity to me and He doesn't want that and I'm so thankful!
Thursday -
As I have mentioned many many times, I'm so full of research, wedding research that is. So earlier during the year, I came across a blog from Before I Do bridal fair for a best in prenup photo contest for soon to wed couples. Being the
competitive (scratch that) combative person that I am, of course I wanted to join! We really didn't have to do anything but to send in a picture and we get to win a prize. From the mechanics, top 5 pics we'll be displayed in the bridal fair in Megamall this May and those participating in the fair will get a chance to vote for the best picture. So with the help of our ever helpful photog, we sent in an entry. I don't really know how many entries were there but as I was again doing research I came across
I know its a long shot but who knows, we've been so blessed lately and I know that there are more blessings to come! Even if we don't win the trip to Punta Fuego (you won't really understand if you don't check the link!) we still get a free blow up of our picture! I can just imagine our soon to be small home filled with blown up engagement and wedding pics! So if by chance you'll be attending the fair in Megamall this May, please vote for our pic. Ours is the 5th pic, the most contemporary among all the entries. Wish us luck!
Friday -
Well Friday I'm in love! Aside from the day being the most loved day of the week, our engagement pics was published in our photographer's
James Limsoc's blog site and I fell in love all over again. Lol! With our chat with him during our prenup, he has mentioned that he has been on straight shoot for weeks now. So putting 2 and 2 together, we thought that , he has many clients but he doesn't really publish all their shoots in his site since there are just quite a few entries there. A few days after our shoot with him, I was communicating with his wife, Ms.Malou, via email and she was telling me how they loved our pics and asked if they can publish them. Now who am I to refuse, as I told them, the pics are ours as well as theirs. I'm really very happy to have gotten them. Here's my favorite pic published in their site. For more pics, click

2 more days until the week officially ends and I can't help but feel giddy and look forward to the coming days. Life really is better with the Lord's grace and guidance. With that I'll end this long post with "God bless us all" and "Happy weekend!"